Активный компонент — нано порошок сплава меди, олова и серебра попадает в зону трения, создавая на поверхности узлов плакирующий слой. Он способен выровнять все микродефекты и улучшить работу деталей цилиндропоршневой группы и подшипников коленчатого вала.
Под действием температуры и давления частицы активизируются и начинают восстанавливать поверхность, реагируя в первую очередь на повреждения металла. В отличие от препаратов предыдущих поколений «RESURS» формирует пористую структуру, которая как губка удерживает масло и сохраняет его в зоне трения, надежно защищая детали от износа при холодном пуске, перегреве двигателя, резких ускорениях и торможениях.
Частицы становятся частью структуры основного металла, уменьшая поверхностную усталость, восстанавливают микродефекты, заполняя трещины и задиры.
RESURS — единственный среди других подобных препаратов и органических масел, обладает «эффектом снятия поверхностной усталости». Это подтверждается тем, что при введении «RESURS» в масло даже на стадии катастрофического изнашивания скорость износа уменьшается. Процесс преходит в стадию нормального (стационарного) износа.
Стадии износа хромированного поршневого кольца.
Испытания показали, что с «RESURS» износ снижается до 4-х раз с первых секунд работы двигателя. На фотографиях наглядно прослеживается данный эффект — пятно износа при добавлении «RESURS» значительно меньше.
Фрагменты хромированных колец. Ширина канавки соответствует величине износа. Темные пятна – следы лакообразования.
Активный компонент — нано порошок сплава меди, олова и серебра попадает в зону трения, создавая на поверхности узлов плакирующий слой. Он способен выровнять все микродефекты и улучшить работу деталей цилиндропоршневой группы и подшипников коленчатого вала.
Под действием температуры и давления частицы активизируются и начинают восстанавливать поверхность, реагируя в первую очередь на повреждения металла. В отличие от препаратов предыдущих поколений «RESURS» формирует пористую структуру, которая как губка удерживает масло и сохраняет его в зоне трения, надежно защищая детали от износа при холодном пуске, перегреве двигателя, резких ускорениях и торможениях.
Частицы становятся частью структуры основного металла, уменьшая поверхностную усталость, восстанавливают микродефекты, заполняя трещины и задиры.
RESURS — единственный среди других подобных препаратов и органических масел, обладает «эффектом снятия поверхностной усталости». Это подтверждается тем, что при введении «RESURS» в масло даже на стадии катастрофического изнашивания скорость износа уменьшается. Процесс преходит в стадию нормального (стационарного) износа.
Стадии износа хромированного поршневого кольца.
Испытания показали, что с «RESURS» износ снижается до 4-х раз с первых секунд работы двигателя. На фотографиях наглядно прослеживается данный эффект — пятно износа при добавлении «RESURS» значительно меньше.
Фрагменты хромированных колец. Ширина канавки соответствует величине износа. Темные пятна – следы лакообразования.
Активный компонент — нано порошок сплава меди, олова и серебра попадает в зону трения, создавая на поверхности узлов плакирующий слой. Он способен выровнять все микродефекты и улучшить работу деталей цилиндропоршневой группы и подшипников коленчатого вала.
Под действием температуры и давления частицы активизируются и начинают восстанавливать поверхность, реагируя в первую очередь на повреждения металла. В отличие от препаратов предыдущих поколений «RESURS» формирует пористую структуру, которая как губка удерживает масло и сохраняет его в зоне трения, надежно защищая детали от износа при холодном пуске, перегреве двигателя, резких ускорениях и торможениях.
Частицы становятся частью структуры основного металла, уменьшая поверхностную усталость, восстанавливают микродефекты, заполняя трещины и задиры.
RESURS — единственный среди других подобных препаратов и органических масел, обладает «эффектом снятия поверхностной усталости». Это подтверждается тем, что при введении «RESURS» в масло даже на стадии катастрофического изнашивания скорость износа уменьшается. Процесс преходит в стадию нормального (стационарного) износа.
Стадии износа хромированного поршневого кольца.
Испытания показали, что с «RESURS» износ снижается до 4-х раз с первых секунд работы двигателя. На фотографиях наглядно прослеживается данный эффект — пятно износа при добавлении «RESURS» значительно меньше.
Фрагменты хромированных колец. Ширина канавки соответствует величине износа. Темные пятна – следы лакообразования.
Активный компонент — нано порошок сплава меди, олова и серебра попадает в зону трения, создавая на поверхности узлов плакирующий слой. Он способен выровнять все микродефекты и улучшить работу деталей цилиндропоршневой группы и подшипников коленчатого вала.
Под действием температуры и давления частицы активизируются и начинают восстанавливать поверхность, реагируя в первую очередь на повреждения металла. В отличие от препаратов предыдущих поколений «RESURS» формирует пористую структуру, которая как губка удерживает масло и сохраняет его в зоне трения, надежно защищая детали от износа при холодном пуске, перегреве двигателя, резких ускорениях и торможениях.
Частицы становятся частью структуры основного металла, уменьшая поверхностную усталость, восстанавливают микродефекты, заполняя трещины и задиры.
RESURS — единственный среди других подобных препаратов и органических масел, обладает «эффектом снятия поверхностной усталости». Это подтверждается тем, что при введении «RESURS» в масло даже на стадии катастрофического изнашивания скорость износа уменьшается. Процесс преходит в стадию нормального (стационарного) износа.
Стадии износа хромированного поршневого кольца.
Испытания показали, что с «RESURS» износ снижается до 4-х раз с первых секунд работы двигателя. На фотографиях наглядно прослеживается данный эффект — пятно износа при добавлении «RESURS» значительно меньше.
Фрагменты хромированных колец. Ширина канавки соответствует величине износа. Темные пятна – следы лакообразования.
90000 Feed additives applications: frequently asked questions 90001 90002 EFSA provides scientific advice on the safety and / or efficacy of additives and products or substances used in animal feed. 90003 90004 1. I have submitted a feed additive application for scientific evaluation by EFSA. How can I check the status of my application? 90005 90002 All applications received by EFSA are given an application number. EFSA then assigns an EFSA Question number (e.g. EFSA-Q-2011-12345) to the application in the Register of Questions (ROQ) once the corresponding mandate is received from the European Commission.In the ROQ, applicants are able to monitor the status and progress of EFSA’s scientific work related to their applications. To find an application in the ROQ, click on the ‘Question’ option in the top menu, then in the ‘Question type’ field select ‘Application’ and select the relevant ‘Food sector area’. You can then search using key words or a Question number if you know it. After locating your application, the ‘Status’ column indicates the present stage of the evaluation. When a question is ‘Finished’, an opinion has been adopted by EFSA’s Panel on Additives and Products or Substance used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) and is scheduled for publication within a few days.When the opinion is published, it is available via the ‘View’ link. Further information: ROQ User Guide. 90003 90002 While EFSA is undertaking its evaluation, you can further monitor the progress of an application in the agendas and minutes of the specific Working Groups of the FEEDAP Panel and of the plenary meetings of the Panel. 90003 90004 2. I am not sure if my product is a feed additive requiring authorisation? Who should I contact? 90005 90004 3. Is there an official list of all authorised feed additives? 90005 90002 The European Commission published the European Union Register of feed additives in compliance with Article 17 of Regulation EC 1831/2003 on additives for use in animal nutrition.The Register is a list of all authorised feed additives and existing products that can be placed on the market in the European Union. 90003 90004 4. I am a new applicant. How do I prepare an application? 90005 90002 The application procedure for authorisations is described in Regulation EC 1831/2003. Applicants must send: (1) an application to the European Commission, (2) a technical dossier directly to EFSA, (3) three reference samples of the feed additive to the European Union Reference Laboratory.The European Commission website provides an overview of the authorisation process for feed additives. EFSA carries out the risk assessment whilst the European Commission decides whether or not to authorise the feed additive. 90003 90002 For any type of feed additive application, applicants should refer to Regulation EC 429/2008 on detailed rules for the implementation of Regulation EC 1831/2003 on additives for use in animal nutrition, as well as to the related administrative guidance and technical guidance documents developed by EFSA’s Panel on Additives and Products or Substance used in Animal Feed to provide assistance to applicants in the preparation and presentation of dossiers.EFSA’s administrative and technical guidance documents for feed additive applications are regularly updated and therefore applicants are reminded to ensure that they use the latest version of these documents. Detailed information about guidance documents for feed additive applications. 90003 90004 5. Are the requirements the same for all feed additive applications? 90005 90002 No, the requirements vary according to the different categories of feed additives and types of authorisations. Details are included in Annexes II and III of Regulation EC 429/2008, which provides the list and the characteristics of studies and information on feed additives to be submitted: 90003 90002 90027 New feed additives or a new uses of a feed additive 90028 — for applications requesting authorisation for a new feed additive or a new use of a feed additive, Article 4 (1) of Regulation EC 1831/2003) applies.For the preparation of the application and the technical dossier. 90003 90002 90027 Authorisation holder wishing to change the terms of their authorisation — 90028 for applications requesting change (s) in the terms of authorisation, Article 13 (3) of Regulation EC 1831/2003 applies. For the preparation of the application and the technical dossier. 90003 90002 90027 Renewal of the authorisation period for feed additives 90028 — under Article 14 (1) of Regulation EC 1831/2003, authorisations under this Regulation are renewable for 10-year periods.An application for renewal should be sent to the European Commission at the latest one year before the expiry date of the authorisation. The particulars and documents to be sent to EFSA are indicated in Article 14 (2) of Regulation EC 1831/2003 and in point 10 of Annex III of Regulation EC 429/2008. 90003 90002 90027 Re-evaluation of a feed additive — 90028 The submission of applications for the re-evaluation of feed additives under Article 10 (2) of Regulation EC 1831/2003 ended on 7 November 2010 (additives authorised without a time limit or authorised by Directive 82/471 / EEC).Applications for the re-evaluation of products (linked to a holder of an authorisation or with a limited authorisation period) have to be submitted one year before the expiry of the authorisation granted under Directive 70/524 / EEC. 90003 90004 6. 90043 My 90044 90043 product consists of or contains a microorganism, can I apply for Qualified Presumption of Safety (QPS) status 90044? 90005 90002 It is not possible to apply directly for Qualified Presumption of Safety (QPS) status. EFSA developed the QPS assessment to facilitate risk assessments of microbiological agents in the frame of the submission of applications for regulated products.A QPS assessment is carried out when EFSA receives such applications. 90049 When EFSA receives an application, the compliance of the technical dossier is checked against the scientific and administrative requirements governing the specific regulated product area. If your product consists of or contains a microorganism or any other biological agent, EFSA will initially check whether this is already included in the QPS list. If it is not, the Working Group on QPS assesses whether the microorganism complies with the criteria to be included in the QPS list.90049 The requirements of an application for the evaluation of a regulated product containing or consisting of a biological agent depend on the relevant legal framework. There is no specific guidance for the preparation of an application for the QPS assessment of a regulated product nor a submission platform on the EFSA website. 90049 If you have questions about the regulation under which a product may fall or any other regulatory aspect, please contact the European Commission, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG-SANTE).90049 To find out whether your microorganism has been already assessed by EFSA, you should consult the list of QPS status recommended biological agents for safety risk assessments (QPS list). 90049 Check the Qualified presumption of safety (QPS) topic on the EFSA website to learn more. 90049 90003 90004 7. What happens to my application when EFSA has received it? 90005 90002 90027 Completeness check 90028 — Following receipt of a technical dossier by the applicant, an acknowledgement of receipt is sent to the applicant.In parallel, the European Commission sends a request to EFSA to carry out the risk assessment. EFSA then carries out a completeness check to verify that the details submitted by the applicant comply with Regulation EC 1831/2003 and Regulation EC 429/2008. During this completeness check, the status of an application in Register of Questions (ROQ) is described as ‘Under Consideration’. 90003 90002 90027 Incomplete dossiers 90028 — Applicants should make every effort to include all information, data and full study reports as requested in the respective guidance documents, when they first submit their application.If some information is missing or incomplete, the applicant is asked to provide the missing data and the status bar in the ROQ reads ‘Waiting for full dossier’. 90003 90002 90027 Valid applications 90028 — Once the dossier is complete, the application is declared valid and EFSA can start its scientific assessment, which is done by its Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed. The status in the ROQ then changes to ‘In progress’. 90003 90004 8. How long does EFSA’s evaluation take? 90005 90002 According to Regulation EC 1831/2003, EFSA’s Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed must endeavour to give an opinion within six months of receipt of a valid application.This time limit may be extended during the evaluation process if EFSA needs to request additional information from the applicant. EFSA’s work ends with the publication of a scientific opinion and the status of the application in EFSA’s Register of Questions is described as ‘Finished’. The European Commission prepares a draft Regulation to grant authorisation within three months of receipt of EFSA’s opinion. 90003 90004 9. Do I need to pay? 90005 90002 The only payment directly associated with the submission of an application for authorisation of a feed additive is the contribution requested by the European Union Reference Laboratory according to Article 21 of Regulation EC 1831/2003.Currently, EFSA does not charge a fee for its scientific evaluations. 90003 90004 10. Does EFSA authorise feed additives? 90005 90002 No. The authorisation of these substances is not within EFSA’s remit. In the European food safety system, scientific risk assessment (the responsibility of EFSA) is done independently from risk management, which includes authorisation of substances, products, claims, processes or organisms for their placing on the European Union market or use in the European Union .EFSA’s scientific advice is available in the adopted scientific opinions of the Panel on Additives and Products or Substance used in Animal Feed .. Under Article 9 of Regulation EC 1831/2003, it is the European Commission that decides whether or not to authorise a feed additive . If you require further information on the authorisation of feed additives, as well as other administrative or authorisation-related issues, such as import requirements, information on specific brands or products on the market, please contact the European Commission or your national competent authority 90003 90002 The EU Register published by the European Commission lists all authorised feed additives in the European Union.90003 90004 11. Short cuts for applicants 90005 .90000 NIST Additive Manufacturing Test Artifact 90001 90002 90003 Summary 90004 90005 90002 The NIST Additive Manufacturing (AM) test artifact available on this page may be used to investigate the performance and capabilities of an AM system. The test artifact is to be built using the AM system under investigation. All pertinent process parameters and machine settings used in building the test artifact should be documented. The test artifact is removed from the AM system and is measured by suitable methods for various (geometric) characteristics.The measured values (and deviations from nominal or specified values) and non-measured observed features provide an indication of the AM system’s performance, especially when compared to results from test artifacts manufactured on other comparable AM systems. 90005 90002 90003 Significance and Use 90004 90005 90012 90013 Measurements and observations made on the test artifact are used to assess the performance of an AM system. 90014 90013 The primary characterization of the AM system obtained by building and measuring a test artifact is via geometric accuracy and surface roughness of the test artifact.90014 90013 The test artifact described in this test method may be used as an acceptance piece for a contract between a buyer and seller of an AM system. 90014 90013 Manufacture and measurement of this test artifact may be repeated periodically in order to evaluate the performance of one AM system (for example, after maintenance or re-calibration of the system, or as defined by the requirements of a quality system). 90014 90013 Data from measurements made on this test artifact may be used to determine machine parameters used for machine compensation.90014 90023 90002 90003 Available Files 90004 90005 90002 At the right of this page are links to download four files. 90005 90002 1. The test part file in .stl file format. 90031 2. The the test part file in .amf file format. 90031 3. A paper that describes the part and all of its features in detail. The full citation for this paper is: 90005 90002 S.P. Moylan, J.A. Slotwinski, A.L. Cooke, K.K. Jurrens, and M.A. Donmez (2012), «Proposal for a standardized test artifact for additive manufacturing machines and processes,» Proceedings of the 23rd International Solid Free Form Symposium — An Additive Manufacturing Conference, Austin, TX, USA, August 2012 pp.902-920. 90005 90002 Included in this paper is an engineering drawing with geometric dimensioning and tolerancing that outlines the nominal dimensions of the features and the post-process measurements to be taken. 90005 90002 4. An excel spreadsheet that can be used as an inspection worksheet ( «Test Artifact Inspection Sheet.xlsx»). 90005 90002 90003 Proposed Standardization 90004 90005 90002 The general description of the test artifact available on the page along with quantitative and qualitative measurements to be taken on the test artifact to assess the performance of AM systems has been proposed for standardization through the ASTM Committee F42 on Additive Manufacturing Technologies (work item WK40419 ).Note that this test artifact is not yet an ASTM standard. The test artifact is under consideration by the F42 committee and further development may change the final form. http://astm.org/COMMITTEE/F42.htm 90005 90002 90003 Disclaimer 90004 90005 90002 These files were developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the course of their official duties. Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, these files are not subject to copyright protection and are in the public domain.The test part files «NIST Test Artifact online.stl» and «NIST Test Artifact online.amf» are an experimental design. The experimental design will likely be revised based on future development and review. NIST assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties, and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability, or any other characteristic. We would appreciate acknowledgement if the test part file, design, or publication are used. 90005 .90000 Web development tutorials | w3resource 90001 Frontend tutorials HTML CSS JavaScript HTML5 Schema.org php.js Twitter Bootstrap Responsive Web Design tutorial Zurb Foundation 3 tutorials Pure CSS HTML5 Canvas JavaScript Course Icon Angular React Vue Jest Mocha npm Yarn Cypress Backend tutorials PHP Python Python-NumPy Python-Pandas Java Node.js Ruby C programming Composer PHPUnit Laravel asp.net Database tutorials SQL (2003 standard of ANSI) MySQL PostgreSQL SQLite NoSQL MongoDBOracle Redis Apollo GraphQL Exercises with online editor HTML CSS JavaScript jQuery jQuery-UICoffeeScript PHP Python NumPy Pandas Machine Learning Ruby Matplotlib C Programming C # Sharp C ++ Java R programming Swift SQL Oracle PL / SQL MySQL SQLite PostgreSQL MongoDB Twitter Bootstrap Examples Euler Project Linux, Data interchange & API tutorials Linux Home Linux Commands Linux Server Administration XML JSON Ajax Google Plus API Youtube API Google Maps API Flickr API Last.fm API Twitter REST API Miscellaneous Tutorials Excel Tutorial Firebug Tutorial Useful Tools Google Docs Forms Template Google Docs Slides Presentation Number Conversion Quizzes Articles 90002 90003 90004 Tutorials, Exercises published recently 90005 90006 90003 Pandas Styling: Exercises, Practice, Solution 90006 90003 Pandas styling Exercises: Write a Pandas program to highlight the negative numbers red and positive numbers black 90006 90003 Pandas styling Exercises: Write a Pandas program which will highlight the nan values 90006 90003 Pandas styling Exercises: Write a Pandas program to highlight the maximum value in each column 90006 90003 Pandas styling Exercises: Write a Pandas program to highlight the minimum value in each column 90006 90003 Pandas styling Exercises: Write a Pandas program to highlight the maximum value in last two columns 90006 90003 Pandas styling Exercises: Write a Pandas program to set dataframe background Color black and font color yellow 90006 90003 Pandas styling Exercises: Write a Pandas program to highlight dataframe’s specific columns 90006 90003 Pandas styling Exercises: Write a Pandas program to highlight dataframe’s specific columns with different colors 90006 90003 Pandas styling Exercises: Write a Pandas program to display the dataframe in table style 90006 90003 Pandas styling Exercises: Write a Pandas program to highlight the entire row in Yellow where a specific column value is greater than 0.5 90006 90003 Pandas styling Exercises: Write a Pandas program to display the dataframe in Heatmap style 90006 90003 Pandas styling Exercises: Write a Pandas program to make a gradient color mapping on a specified column 90006 90003 Pandas styling Exercises: Write a Pandas program to make a gradient color on all the values of the said dataframe 90006 90003 Pandas styling Exercises: Write a Pandas program to display the dataframe in table style and border around the table and not around the rows 90006 90003 Pandas styling Exercises: Write a Pandas program to display bar charts in dataframe on specified columns 90006 90003 Introduction to Mocha 90006 90003 Run Cycle Overview And Detects Multiple Calls To Done () 90006 90003 ASSERTIONS AND ASYNCHRO 90006.90000 Lists of Permitted Food Additives 90001 90002 The Lists of permitted food additives are Health Canada’s official repository of substances that are permitted for use as additives in or on foods marketed in Canada. 90003 90004 Background 90005 90002 The 15 lists of permitted food additives are meant to replace the food additive tables housed under Division 16 of the 90007 Food and Drug Regulations 90008. Each list is incorporated by reference into a Marketing Authorization (MA), which sets out the conditions and legal foundation for the use of the list.90003 90002 Health Canada has yet to repeal the additive tables found in Division 16 of the Regulations. Until this occurs, two sets of additive lists will temporarily exist: the tables found in Division 16 of the Regulations and the Lists of permitted food additives. A transition guide has been created to provide stakeholders with further information on the lists as well as guidance on how to interpret and use them. 90003 90004 Modifying the Lists 90005 90002 Companies interested in selling a food additive that does not appear on one of the lists or for a purpose, a level or in a food that is not described on the lists must file a food additive submission with Health Canada for assessment.»A Guide for the Preparation of Submissions on Food Additives» provides petitioners with detailed instructions including information requirements. 90003 90002 Notice of Intent to Issue Food Marketing Authorization [April 8, 2019] 90003 90002 Notice of Intent to Issue a Food Marketing Authorization Amending the Marketing Authorization for Food Additives with Other Generally Accepted Uses [September 9, 2016] 90003 90004 Food Additive Proposals 90005 90002 90023 New Food Additives 90024 90003 90002 Upon completion of the scientific assessment, should the science support the submission, Health Canada will notify the public of its intent to modify the Lists of permitted food additives via a «Notice of Proposal» that will be posted on the Health Canada website for public consideration.Interested parties may provide comments on the proposal and, should new scientific or safety evidence be raised, revisions may be made. A «Notice of Modification» will be posted on the website once the proposal has been formally incorporated into the lists. 90003 90002 90023 Extensions of Use 90024 90003 90002 Decisions for extensions of use are enabled in the incorporated lists immediately following the completion of a favourable scientific assessment. «Notices of Modification» will be issued signalling the formal adoption of the decision.Interested parties may provide comments on the decision. This approach mirrors the Interim Marketing Authorization (IMA) process which previously existed for extensions of use. 90003 .
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